Data Protection Schemes

DPS LTD is a scheme owner under Article 42 of the GDPR, the article for certification mechanisms that can be used for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the Regulation.

Data Protection Schemes is working with European supervisory authorities to develop certification criteria for all aspects of the GDPR. Certification criteria are developed under the authority of the European Data Protection Board. The EDPB is an independent European body. It is the umbrella organisation which brings together the national data protection authorities (National Supervisory Authorities) of the countries in the European Economic Area, as well as the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS).

The EDPB ensures that the General Data Protection Regulation and the Law Enforcement Directive are applied consistently and ensures cooperation, including on enforcement.

Recital 100 of the GDPR states "The establishment of certification mechanisms and data protection seals is encouraged, allowing data subjects to quickly assess the level of data protection of relevant products and services".

Courses by this teacher

Name Level Release Date
Data Breach Management Certificate 01.03.2023 01:59
Audit the Data Processing Documentation obligation under the GDPR 27.12.2018 07:47
Internal controls for AI systems 27.12.2018 07:47
Audit the Data Breach Management Process 27.12.2018 10:21
Management of AI 01.07.2023 02:30
Certified AI Systems Auditor 29.08.2023 14:16

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